Class of 1960   

Roy Miller
High School

Corpus Christi, Texas

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Henry Pomeroy (Roy) Miller




This Website Designed & Donated by:

Jack Pratt

User Registration Form      

User Registration Form

You can automatically register yourself to be a user of RMHS1960 Guest Book by filling out and submitting this form. Only registered users are allowed into RMHS1960 Guest Book . Classmates have been provided a username and initial password. Upon entering the database you will be asked to change your password to one more convenient to you.  Together these will be your "key" into RMHS1960 Guest Book/Database from now on. This information will be kept in a registration database that is accessible only to the webmaster, not to ordinary users.

One of the main benefits of having a protected web like Guest Book is that authorized users don't have to keep typing their names into form fields, such as when submitting an article to a discussion group, because the web server already knows who they are. Similarly, other users can be reasonably sure that you really sent the pictures, articles and postings attributed to you, and that someone else didn't pretend to be you when posting.

After you are successfully registered, your web browser will ask you to type in your username and password the first time you try to access RMHS1960 Guest Book. The browser will remember this information for as long as it continues to run, so you can access any document in RMHS1960 Guest Book  without being asked for it again.

[FrontPage Registration Component]

Form Submission

Your username:
-- you can use mixed case
Initial password:
-- help keep this private!
Enter password again:

-- for verification
Enter e-mail address:

-- * All are Required Fields